
LIVE! A Community Poll


Click here to participate in the poll today!

We’re excited to invite you to participate in a community poll to help shape the future of Newberry Country. Your input is essential in ensuring that our community priorities and projects align with your vision for the area.

By taking a few minutes to complete this poll, you’ll be helping us identify strategic action items that address the most pressing needs and opportunities in our community. Your responses will play a significant role in guiding our future initiatives.

Community input was gathered through a variety of methods between June 2023 and June 2024, including focus groups, community civic engagement sessions, a major public survey, and discussions with selected stakeholders and community leaders. 

The next step in the planning process will be a community poll as a final check with the wider public to see which of their ideas as stated garner the most support. Due to the sheer volume of ideas not all of them can be tested.

Based on poll results, NPR’s Advisory Committee, assisted by its host organization Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, will develop a final slate of draft strategies — smaller in number — and bring them before a summit meeting of key stakeholders and potential plan implementation partners for their consideration and refinement in the early fall.

Regardless of whether a given strategy idea ends up in the final strategic action plan, all ideas will be archived for future reference and consideration.

Thank you again for your dedication to our community,

Newberry Regional Partnership

2024 Regional Solutions KPM Survey

(Key Performance Measures)

Click here to participate in the 2024 Regional Solutions survey.

Regional Solutions is a uniquely Oregon approach to community and economic development that brings together the public, private and civic sectors to advance projects, solve problems, seize opportunities, and respond to emerging local needs. This partnership between the state, local governments, sovereign Tribal nations, businesses, and community-based organizations seeks to ensure effective state government support to local partners, create durable solutions, and serve as a conduit between the Governor and local communities.

Please take a few minutes to let us know how we’re doing and how we can best work with you in the future.

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