Public Safety – principally law enforcement, fire protection and emergency services, but may also include waste disposal, animal control and wildlife management, and such place specific issues as tsunami preparation. In rural areas public safety is often heavily dependent on volunteers and in need of outside resources for training, equipment and facilities. Because response time is often critical public safety is not easily provided on a regional basis.
June/July 2023 Survey Highlights
BIGGEST CONCERNS – This survey contained unaided and aided questions that allowed local residents to share their biggest concerns about living in the area.
UNAIDED – Wildfire prevention, homeless population living in the woods, drug use, crime, and the limited availability of police protection were all top concerns.
AIDED – For the most part, aided response mirrored unaided concerns. Participants are most concerned with drug and crime problems (71%), wildfires/climate impacts (70%), and lack of affordable/available housing and access to local health care (both at 60%).